
Best Air Deep Fryer buying guide: things you should know

The best thing about air deep fryer is that it will not let you skip the foods you love to eat. You can lose your weight by eating all the food items that you like including French fries and other fried food. It will let you enjoy all types of food items by exempting their unhealthy fats that you get when you cook it in the oil. In addition to deep-fried food, you can roast, grill, and bake the food. The question arises, which type of air fryer will be best for you. Following is a list of top ten air fryers from which you can opt-out the one that fulfills your need:

COSORI Air Fryer

COSORI Air fryer will let you cook any type of food, including egg bakes, desserts, side dishes, roasted meat, and vegetables. It has a preheating option that will make your baking more organized. It has an additional feature of “Keep warm” that will keep your food warm in case if you want to eat it later. 

GoWISE USA GW22621 4th Generation Electric Air Fryer

It is a smarter choice for Air fryers. You can get it for less than $100, but it has all the essential features. It has a timer of 30 minutes. Its temperature ranges from 175 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit along with seven presets. The smart technology is that it will get in standby mode either after your food is prepared so that you can reuse it or in case if you don’t, it will not consume more electricity.  

Breville BOV900BSS Convection and Air Fry Smart Oven Air

This air fryer is your all-in-one. If you want your every type of food to be healthier and fat-less, then this is your always good to go. You can roast, toast, broil, dehydrate, make pizza, slow cook, and much to your food. It has thirteen different functions so that you can choose the one that you want to make.  


This air fryer is more affordable as compared to the XL one. It does not have a touch screen, but it consumes less power than the other Air fryers that are more expensive too. It has a smaller size so that it gets fit into your kitchen and has dual fans to speed up the time for cooking.

Ninja 4-in-1 AF101 Air Fryer

As the name suggests, Ninja 4-in-1 AF101 Air Fryer is a multipurpose fryer. You can use it to roast, fry, dehydrate, and preheat your food. Along with the 4 in 1 quality, it will cook your food in a way less fat and oil so that you can have your food without any guilt. It turns out your food crispier and tastier. In addition, its pan is dishwasher friendly so you can clean it easily. 

Philips XL Air fryer

Philips XL Air fryer is expensive, but it has many positive sides. It has a large size that is enough to cook food for four persons at a time. In addition, you don’t have to do the settings for your food every few times. Instead, you can use its preset button, and the settings will be done automatically. Along with these qualities, it has an application that has more than 150 recipes in it. 

Philips HD9641/96 Airfryer Avance Turbo Star

This air fryer has four cooking presets for meat, fish, chicken, and frozen fries. If you are a new person who starts using an air fryer, then this air fryer will make cooking easy for you. You will also get a recipe book along with it and a free app. In the app and book, you will get 200 different recipes. It has a large size but not as large as XL.

Big Boss Oil-less Air Fryer

The noticeable thing about this air fryer is that it is made up of glass so that you can watch your food while it’s cooking. It is the best technology so that you will get the idea if your food is perfectly browned or it needs additional time. Also, you can cook two different types of food in the air fryer at the same time. 

T-fal FZ7002 ActiFry

This air fryer takes in very less quantity of oil to cook your food. It also has a measuring spoon in it and a window that makes your food visible to you while it’s cooking. It has a buzzer that rings when your food is ready. 

Aucma Air Fryer

Aucma air fryer is a dynamic airflow system that makes it durable for daily use. It has a sturdy construction, and the basket is made up of a material that is easy to clean, and also that is dishwasher safe.

This is The 10 Best Air Deep Fryers 2020 and the Top recommended Air Fryers by users.

Air Fryer Buyers Guide (What to look for in buying an Air Fryer?)

Always consider the following things while buying and using Air fryers:

  • Always place a grate in the basket to drip out the excess oil and let the heat flow equally from all the food
  • Don’t worry if you listen to loud sounds while the Air fryer is on because it has a loud sound
  • If you want your food to be perfectly browned, stir the basket after every few minutes
  • If you want to pull out the basket at any point, you can pull it out without shutting down the machine because the machine will automatically shut off once the basket is removed
  • After you insert it in the basket again, make sure that it fits properly; otherwise, the cooking process will not start. You can also ensure it when you start hearing the loud sound of the fan
  • Food cooks faster in an air fryer. It is a positive side of the air fryer, and it also has a table that shows different foods along with their cooking time, you can even reduce the time by placing in less quantity of food
  • Always start with a comparatively low temperature to make sure that your food cooks well. A high temperature may leave your food undercooked on the inside and burnt on the outside.
  • Its cost varies between $100 to $300 depending on the features and size. Can get the one that fits your requirements
  • You have to make a large space on your counter to fit in the air fryer because it covers a big area
  • You don’t need some extra skills to operate your air fryer. Just turn it on and place your food in the basket
  • In an air fryer, The food that cooks has almost the same taste as the other food that we deep fry but the taste is not 100% the same
  • The food prepared in an Air fryer is much healthier because of the low quantity of oil in it. The food cooked in an Air fryer can be called an Air fry healthy food.


From the above list of Air fryers, you can choose the one that best suits your requirements and your place. However, choosing the correct air fryer will make your life more healthy and natural. Above them, we highly recommend COSORI Air Fryer & GoWISE USA GW22621 4th Generation Electric Air Fryer. Both are under $100 air fryer.

If your budget is higher, Than definitely go for Breville BOV900BSS Convection and Air Fry Smart Oven Air. It is the best one with Super Convection Technology. It has 13 smart cooking functions with air fry and dehydrates.

Air Deep Fryer Tips and Tricks

Following are some very common Air fryer mistakes that we should avoid:

  • Don’t use oil with extra generosity
  • When Greasing, don’t grease the drawer of your air deep fryer
  • Please do not overcrowd the drawer of your air fryer
  • Always shake the basket
  • After cooking, do not dump the food into a bowl directly from the drawer
  • When using it, don’t put the drawer over the top of the counter
  • Careful when touching the air fryer
  • You do not want to use an oil with low smoke
  • You can not always trust the timer

Don’t use oil with extra generosity

Always add oil according to the type of food. If your food has an extra layer of fat on it, then you don’t need oil to cook it. But, if your food needs some oil to cook, then add in the portion of oil that is necessary for it. A very less quantity may cause the burning of food. 

When Greasing, don’t grease the drawer of your air deep fryer

The drawer of Air fryer has a non-stick coating, and greasing it, again and again, can damage the material. The best way is to toss the oil on the food and then place that food in the basket and let it cook. It will save the material drawer and cook the food well. 

Please do not overcrowd the drawer of your air fryer

Air fryers have a small drawer, and overcrowding them will ruin your food. The best way to cook ta perfect food in Air dryers is to not overcrowd its drawer. An overcrowded drawer will create a mess, and the food will not be cooked perfectly. In addition, if you cook less quantity of food in it, the food will be crispier and cook fast. 

Always shake the air fryer basket

Shaking a basket after every few minutes will give you crispier food and provide even heat to your food. In some recipes, like making fish fillet will not help you by only shaking the basket, but it is better to flip the fillet pieces to give good crisp on both sides. Your food will be cooked well if you don’t shake the basket, but shaking it will give you crispier food. 

After cooking, do not dump the food into a bowl directly from the drawer

The excess oil from your food will be collected under the removable grate of the basket, and if you put your food directly from the drawer into the bowl, then that oil will also transfer to the bowl, and your food will be ruined. The best option is to use a spoon or remove the basket inside the drawer and dump that basket into your bowl. 

When using it, don’t put the drawer over the top of the counter

The outer side of the drawer will be boiling when you pull it out from the air dryer. It is better to avoid placing it over the top of your counter to avoid any damage. A very hot pan can damage the top of your counter. 

Careful when touching the air fryer

As mentioned above, the outer side of the drawer pan will become extremely hot after you pull it out from an air fryer. If you touch it, your hand will get burnt. It is important to become very careful while using the air fryer so that you will not hurt yourself. 

You do not want to use an oil with low smoke

Use oil that has a high smoke so that your foods cook perfectly and quickly. For instance, don’t use olive oil for cooking your food in an air fryer because it has a low smoke point, and if you raise the temperature for smoking it up, it will develop a weird after taste. A good option is to choose any vegetable or canola oil. 

You can not always trust the timer

The auto timer on many air fryers is not perfect enough for your kinds of food. It is always better to do different experiments related to the timer so that you will get an idea about the accurate time that you need to give to make your food ready. 

How to use an Air Fryer?

Following are the steps to use an air fryer:

  • Prepare your food with any kind of seasoning and a bit of oil if you want but don’t marinate it
  • Pull out the pan-size basket from theAir fryer and fill in your food
  • Make sure not to doze it
  • You can also use a two-layer cooking method that has an additional grill over the basket if you want to
  • Set the temperature and timer and let your food cook on its own
  • Tip: Pause it in between one to two times and toss your food so that it turns out to be perfectly crisp from all sides

Many people ask what we can cook in Air fryers. Here is the answer to all of your queries

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers

What is an Air Fryer?

Air deep-fryers are kitchen appliances that cook food using hot air produced by molecules of different fluids and gas. It circulates the hot air around your food until it’s fully cooked. 

How does Air Fryer work?

Air deep fryers have a mechanical fan inside them that circulates the hot air around the food at a very high speed. As a reaction, a brown crispy layered will be formed around the food, and it is perfectly cooked from the inside as well. The significant benefit of an air fryer is that it cooks the meal with a very small quantity of oil and sometimes no oil at all, and hence it is right for your health. So, if you are a lover of fries or chicken wings or something like that, but you can’t eat them due to excess calories, then with the help of an air fryer, you can have them without any doubt. 

Is an Air Fryer Healthy?

The major advantage an air fryer gives you is to enjoy the fried food without getting extra Fats into your body, as we all know that at this time of the year, we all want to eat at home and try to live a healthy life. Everyone wants to get a perfect body and lose extra fat, but the most challenging decision is to give up on the food that you like the most, especially the fried ones. 
The all-in-one solution is an air fryer, where you can eat your fried food without feeling guilty. Isn’t it a cool appliance? 

What size Air Fryer do i need?

Air fryers come in different sizes, but an essential thing to note is that it is not suitable to cook food for more than two persons at a time. If you want to cook the food for more than two persons, you have to cook it in more than one batch. 

Even the largest size of an air fryer is suitable to cook food for only two persons at a time. It is very important not to overload the basket so that food will cook perfectly well from all sides. The good thing is that if you want to cook the food in less time, then you don’t have to get worried about preheating it. It works well without preheating; however, it is better to preheat it for 10 to 15 minutes before cooking. 

How to clean an Air Fryer?

It is very easy to clean Air fryers. You only have to follow the following steps to keep it clean:

  • It’s good to clean your air fryer on a daily or weekly basis depending on the usage
  • Take out the tray and pans from your Air fryer and discard any leftover oil and food
  • Soak the trays in warm and soapy water for about an hours
  • After that, scrub them with a brush and wash them
  • Dry them with a kitchen towel

Is an air fryer as good as a deep fryer?

An air fryer cooks food slower than a deep oil fryer. Also, Foods are more tender and moist in the deep fryer. However, Foods from Air fryer are healthier than deep fryer and it has less oil which means less fat consumption. An air fryer is easier to maintain and needs less or no oil at all to cook.

Does air-fried food taste as good as deep-fried fried?

Foods are more tasty and moist in the deep fryer. Air fryer and deep fryer food taste will never be the same in flavor or texture. Deep-fried food is tastier but air-fried food is healthier than deep-fried food.

Can you deep fry things in an air fryer?

Yes, You can deep fry things in an air fryer and an air fryer will have 90% less consumption of oil than the actual deep-frying process. An air fryer works by circulating hot air, not boiling the oil. You will need oil only for moisture and flavor.

What is the best home deep fryer?

Presto 05442 CoolDaddy Cool-touch Deep Fryer – Black

Presto deep fryer is perfect for frying chicken, shrimp, french fries, and more. It has an adjustable thermostat that permits easy selection of the desired frying temperature. It also has Smart Handy indicator light signals when the oil is ready for frying. For safety, it has a locking cover which also prevents spattering and reduces odors. It has an extra-large viewing window to let you monitor your food without opening it. It has a Charcoal air filter. The frying pot is removable for quick and easy cleaning.

What are the disadvantages of an air fryer?

Here are some disadvantages of air fryer-

  • It takes a longer time to cook.
  • the food turns out to be dry as there is no or less oil used for cooking.
  • High Risk of Burnt Food if you lose focus on your food while cooking.
  • It is limited and less capable of processing food.
  • It is expensive.
  • It cannot run without electricity.

Are air fryers healthy?

Air-fried food is healthier than deep-fried food. It is always a better option than deep-fried food. It is lower in fat, calorie, and acrylamide than deep-fried food, which makes it healthier.

Do I really need an air fryer?

Yes, it is easy to use and needs less oil. Air fryer food is lower in fat and
acrylamide. If you want to eat healthily, it is time you look for the best air

Are air fryers good for losing weight?

Air-fried foods are lower in fat, calories, and acrylamide than deep-fried food, which makes it healthier. So it does help to lose weight easily.


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